Event notification library
Cbufferevent | An opaque type for handling buffered IO |
Cevbuffer | An evbuffer is an opaque data type for efficiently buffering data to be sent or received on the network |
Cevbuffer_cb_info | Structure passed to an evbuffer_cb_func evbuffer callback |
Cevbuffer_iovec | Describes a single extent of memory inside an evbuffer |
Cevbuffer_ptr | Pointer to a position within an evbuffer |
Cevent | Structure to represent a single event |
Cevent_base | Structure to hold information and state for a Libevent dispatch loop |
Cevent_config | Configuration for an event_base |
Cevhttp_ext_method | Structure that is passed to (and modified by) the extended method callback function |
Cevthread_condition_callbacks | This structure describes the interface a threading library uses for condition variables |
Cevthread_lock_callbacks | This structure describes the interface a threading library uses for locking |
Cevutil_addrinfo | A definition of struct addrinfo for systems that lack it |
Cevutil_monotonic_timer | Structure to hold information about a monotonic timer |